My A.D.D. is showing…….

In an effort to maintain my blog, and offer new information for whomever might think I have information to offer, I sit down to “write” tonight.  Oh, by the way, it is 3 a.m.  And I can’t sleep.  And therefore can’t form a continous enough thought to post anything that pretends to be cohesive.  But, for the sake of my fans (both of you), I offer a few ideas of what is running through this pretty little head of mine.

1.  I’m a little upset with KU fans right now.  Not all of you, but a select few.  Having been at the forefront of lecturing fans of other schools over the years, I sit back and watch the Jayhawk faithful pull some of the same stuff that I had complained about with other schools.  Thanks to Facebook for pointing it out to me.  Here’s the deal:  Cheer for your school.  If you can’t cheer for them without thumbing your nose at another program that is not living up to expectations this year, then you are no better than them.  It’s the Golden Rule……..treat others as you would want to be treated. 

2.  Do you ever find it weird when people you know show up at YOUR church and you don’t know how to handle it?  I’ve recently been faced with that, not knowing exactly how to treat these people, and knowing what the Christian thing to do is but not fully being able to live that out.  Every person in your life has a place, but it is tough when they end up somewhere that is out of place. 

3.  Since I have had an abundance of free time over the last few months, I have actually been studying some pretty interesting stuff.  I’m currently putting together some material for a Sunday school class that pertains to the historicity of the Bible, and some outside resources.  I might be the only person on earth who finds it interesting, but I find it to be valuable information for any gung-ho Christian. 

4.  I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut, but recently I even surprised myself by staying the “speak only when asked” course.  A friend recently posted something regarding their religious beliefs.  It was a nice, well thought out piece, and I could tell that it was something of value to them.  And since their point of view differed from mine, my first instinct was to point out perceived flaws with their thinking, and the information that I had to back up my point of view.  But I refrained.  This may seem inconsequential to some of you, but it was a huge step for me. 

5.  I guess I should give an ankle update as well.  I’m at the 9 week mark from surgery.  Pain is limited, but still slightly tender.  Physical therapy is going well, and boredom has yet to overtake me.  I’m hoping to go back to work in a few weeks.  That’s about it.

6.  There isn’t anything good on TV at 3 in the morning. 

7.  Surgery related news……..Knowing that I was going to be on crutches and in a cast through at least half of the little league basketball season, I elected to sit out of coaching this year.  This has not been easy and is testing every ounce of patience I may have.  It certainly isn’t helpful that both of my kids are on teams that are distinctly devoid of talent and experience, and both may well finish the season winless.  I will never sit back and watch again.  Except with volleyball.  I don’t know anything about it.

Honestly, that’s about all I have to say today.  I should probably be in bed, anyway.  Good Night!

One Response to “My A.D.D. is showing…….”

  1. Says:

    I appreciated your comment so much, Dan. But if you only speak when asked, I am asking. Please tell me your thoughts on this: I can take it! 🙂

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